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Date : 1999-05-07
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e CLINIC donkey training INDEX INTRO ~ Training a donkey relies on showing him by words and actions that he can trust you to protect him from harm Stick a hunk of metal in his mouth and yank on it and he is going to feel pain It does not take long for him to associate that pain with you
Donkey Training – Donkey Wise ~ Donkey training work should be undertaken with the help of a qualified or experienced person and the age health breed and temperament of your donkey need to be taken into account Animal Learning Theory
Donkey Training Meredith Hodges Bonnie Shields ~ Merdith Hodges is a wellknown trainer and writer on donkey and mule behavior Born in Minneapolis Minnesota and raised in California Meredith has been associated with mules and donkeys for 25 years and has been associated with horses all her life
How to Train a Donkey Animals ~ Donkey training doesnt differ that much from horse training but you must give your longeared friend time to mull things over and never rush him Starting Out Meredith Hodges one of the countrys top donkey and mule trainers recommends imprinting the donkey foal
Tying Your Donkey A Great Training Tool Benson Ranch ~ Stand at your donkey’s left shoulder facing forward Put your right arm around your donkey’s neck so that you can cuddle him and hold him close With the halter in your left hand bring it close to the donkey’s head from under his head rather than from up high or out in front of him
Gentling Wild Donkeys 101 ~ Most horse training is based on pressurerelease or pressure reward Flight is used as a pressure motivator such as asking a horse to move forward on the longe line or round pen Most donkeys couldnt care less about pressure
Lucky Three Ranch Mule Donkey Horse Training with ~ Welcome to the wonderful world of donkeys mules and more is the online home for Meredith Hodges and her champion mules and donkeys with invaluable resources for trainers and caretakers of all kinds of equines—be they horse donkey mule or other equine hybrid
Donkey Training 101 ~ All you need is a donkey a hard skull and a very high pain tolerance Starring Merl the donkey and Emily and Anna the idiots P Dont own the music but I do own all the clipsvids Thanks
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